Blog Post #4: To Write or Not to Write That is the Question?

L.O.L with Danielle!
1 min readApr 20, 2022
Photo by Obi - @pixel6propix on Unsplash

While technology’s influence, including the use of artificial intelligence, in the field of journalism is meant to aid journalists and provide readers with quality news, it can create greater difficulties for journalists and change the way people consume their news, whether they know it or not. Journalists and news sources should move forward with caution when using artificial intelligence when producing news articles.

Pros of Technology’s Growing Influence in Journalism

The digitalization of journalism provided more opportunities for journalists and news sources in the field.

● Journalists now have methods to create storytelling more visually and with interactive media.

● Newspapers can now experiment with more ways for which an audience can receive and experience news.

● News sources have lower labor costs.

Cons of Technology’s Growing Influence in Journalism

More technology in the field of journalism, however, also sets the scene for a grim future of those who want to pursue careers in journalism.

● While companies experiment with new ways to profit online, some journalists face mass layoffs.

● New sources’ technological tools and methods for reaching and keeping a wider audience runs the risk of making journalism into a commodity.

